Irresponsible lending happens when a lender gives you a loan without making sure you can actually afford it. They're supposed to dig into things like your income, credit score, and existing debts. This problem hit its peak during the 2008 global economic crisis, but its effects are still lingering today, causing a lot of financial stress for UK borrowers.
We can find out if you've been given the green light for a loan or financial product when you shouldn't have been. If you’ve experienced this, we’ll fight to get you back the money you’re owed.
At Justizia Law, we can identify whether you've been incorrectly approved for a loan or financial product as long as it has been active in the last 6 years. If you’ve had any of the following, we’ll check them for potential credit breaches.
- Credit card or store card
- Secured or unsecured loan
- Car finance agreement
- Payday Loan
- Mortgage